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Storage Bin Auction Reminder

Metrolina Storage
7000 Stateville Road
Charlotte, NC

Update: As of 2/10/09, we have 10 storage bins, Alfa Romero, and a 33ft?? Motor Home. Come on out...

This Metrolina Mini Storage Facility will sell various items of personal property at auction pursuant to the assertion of a lien for rental at its self-storage facility. We sell these items by the piece and have no idea what is in each unit until the doors are open the day of sale. Please call 704-283-0400 for updated information.
This location should be one that you don't want to miss. It has always had excellent items for sale with great deals! Come on out and lets have an auction.

It is Christmas everyday at these auctions. Come on out and as ALWAYS have fun!!


Ralph & Michele